Serving Sweetwater County and Wyoming Residents

- Nicole | Parent
"We struggled with therapists and my daughter not making any progress. That’s a scary feeling to be trying to get help for your child and not getting it, your child getting frustrated trying to communicate, shutting down when people couldn’t understand her. We then met Kristina! She worked wonders with my daughter. She was enunciating, and working on her speech without the frustration in no time. She improved so quickly and loved working with Kristina. I’m so happy to say that she has no indications she ever needed the therapy now and is thriving. She is a social confident butterfly speaking with whomever she needs to." - Nicole
- Estevia | SLP-A
Kristina has been such an inspiration to me since the day I met her. I went into an Elementary school in hopes of gaining enough clinical hours to fulfill my education requirements in hopes of continuing my journey into grad school. I came out on the other side with a life long mentor and friend. She has shown me her heart and her love for every single child she works with. I learned a lot from Kristina while she had me under her wing, and I'm so proud to be working along side her now, and learning as much as I can from such an amazing person.
- Estevia
- Leslie | Parent
Mrs. Newby is exeprtional with my child. My son's words have blossomed from speech therapy. She is also great with wanting parents to be hands on and involved through the process. I highly recommend Mrs. Newby!

-Christine | Parent
​"Kristina Ann Newby worked with my daughter from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Basically, all through elementary. When my daughter was four, I was the only person that could understand her mumblings. I went to get her tests. She had 98% unintelligible speech. Through the school district, I got connected to Kristina. I was going to homeschool my daughter for a couple years because her speech impediment was so bad, so we went to visit Kristina at the elementary School. I was given exercises to do at home and Kristina worked with her when I brought her to the school.
When my daughter reached fourth grade, she had greatly progressed with her speech improvement. It was time for her to go into public school and have the gull gamut of social interaction and quality education. Kristina still worked with her a few times a week until the end of elementary school when she was released from speech therapy and her IEP. What used to be my daughters weakness became her strength. She was great at verbalizing and speaking and in high school became the voice of the Spartans and spoke over the loud speaker the school announcements everyday. This gave her great confidence in public speaking. She went on to get four merit scholarships that nearly paid for her entire college education. My daughter went from being painfully shy and never speaking in public, to being very graceful and eloquent in her way of communications.
All of this would have never come to fruition without endless patience and time put in by Kristina. She has for3ever impacted my daughters life in such a meaning way beyond just speech. I am eternally grateful.
- Karen | OT
I am an occupational therapist and I worked with Kristina Newby for several years in a small school in Loveland Colorado. It was a pleasure to work with her, not only because of the extensive knowledge base she brought to the team, but the way she engaged her students. They always seemed to come willingly and were eager to participate. I could hear their laughter and enthusiasm from my room that was nearby. If a student wasn’t making the progress that she was hoping they’d make, she’d bring it to the team and seek other resources to support the child. I’m thrilled to see her expanding the population she will be able to help. Karen N Harmon, MS OTR/L

- Annie | Parent
"Kristina Newby at Wyoming Speaks Speech Therapy is an absolutely incredible speech therapist! She has been working with my daughter since she opened her private practice in August of 2021. She is enjoyable to work with and is amazing in every way! You can feel the passion that she has for her profession.
For my daughter with articulation needs, Kristina’s child centered approach is focused on building an intellectual awareness of how to produce each of her trouble sounds followed by self monitoring and self correction. This has given even my small 4 year old daughter the tools to improve her own speech even when she is not in a therapy session. Our friends and family have commented that my little one is easier to understand and speaks louder and with more confidence. What more could a mom want than for her child to have the ability to express her thoughts, feelings, and meet her own needs with determination and pride.
Another invaluable aspect of Kristina’s support for our family has been productive and successful parent coaching sessions. These sessions have given me knowledge, tools and strategies to support my daughter on her speech improvement journey. Her advice and recommendations to me have varied from ideas to strengthen her oral muscles to how I can coach my daughter at home with some of the same techniques used in the therapy sessions.
The process of establishing my daughter as a client was a breeze with all of the necessary documents available on the website for easy download. Kristina has been flexible and accommodating with our schedule. Kristina made an extra effort to fully get to know my daughter’s speech needs by speaking with me at length and thoroughly reviewing my daughter’s evaluation results and IEP from the Child Developmental Center.
Most importantly, my daughter absolutely loves going to therapy because the sessions are filled with games, play and lots of positive feedback. She would go every day of the week if I let her.
Thank you so much Kristina and Wyoming Speaks Speech Therapy! The confidence you give people has a tremendous effect on their lives!"